‘We glorify God for answered prayer,’ says Christian Aid Ministries as 12 remaining missionaries kidnapped in Haiti are released

All 12 remaining Christian Aid Ministries missionaries who have been held in captivity in Haiti for two months have been released.

Dec 18, 2021 - 18:14
‘We glorify God for answered prayer,’ says Christian Aid Ministries as 12 remaining missionaries kidnapped in Haiti are released

All 12 remaining Christian Aid Ministries missionaries who have been held in captivity in Haiti for two months have been released.

In a statement, Christian Aid Ministries said: “We glorify God for answered prayer—the remaining twelve hostages are FREE!”

In October, a gang in Haiti's capital of Port-au-Prince kidnapped a group of 17 children and adults ranging from 8 months to 48-years-old. The group was abducted when returning from a visit to an orphanage that receives support from Christian Aid Ministries.

The gang demanded $1 million per person as ransom.

At the time of the kidnapping, the group’s family said their relatives had been given "the unique opportunity to live out our Lord’s command to 'love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you’” and urged people to “keep praying” for their safe return.

In late November, the first two hostages were released followed by three others in the first week of December. No details were released as to de identity of the individuals freed and the US State Department spokesperson said the US government was working “to do everything we can to see to it that the remaining hostages are released as soon as possible.”

The statement continued: “Join us in praising God that all seventeen of our loved ones are now safe. Thank you for your fervent prayers throughout the past two months. We hope to provide more information as we are able.

“‘I will sing unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously ‘(Exodus 15:1b).”