Sound behind the viral video of street worship in Brazil. FERNANDINHO-Porque Ele Vive

Sound behind the viral video of street worship in Brazil is Mr. FERNANDINHO an annointed worshipbleader . The Song "Porque Ele Vive" is the portugeese langauage version of the famous Englsih Chtistian song, Beacuse He Lives I can Face Tomorrow.
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In the viral video, the people are praying and calling on Jesus to heal their land. They knee down at the streets for seeking mercy of the Lord.
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English lyrics
Because He lives I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives All fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living
Just because He lives
Portuguese lyrics
Porque Ele vive, posso crer no amanhã.
Porque Ele vive, temor não há.
Mas eu bem sei, eu sei, que a minha vida
Está nas mãos da meu Jesus, que vivo está